Operational Capacity Building
Operational Capacity Building
Support and enabling functions, such as finance, accounting, HR,and technology, are the backbone of every successful organization. Frontline operations and activities, as well as the organization’s branding and the perceptions of different stakeholders, depend heavily on the robust and strong functioning of their back office.
Our goal is to strengthen your back office, which, in tandem with your capable front office, will lay the foundation for your long-term survival, growth, and high impact.
We take over three key back-office functions – Finance and Compliance, HR and People function, and Digital presence. Partner NGOs outsource these non-core activities to us and do not have to spend any time or resources executing these functions. Your back office (non-core) is our front office (core).
We have expert teams and structures that can handle
specialised functions like finance and accounting, legal
compliance, HR activities, and digital presence to provide the support that every NGO needs

Our services
Finance & Compliance
Why Is This Function Important?
- Finances are critical for survival and growth
- Keeping track of your cash flows helps you plan your spending and fundraising
- Budgeting and financial analysis help you plan your future projects and your ability to execute them
- Compliance with regulations is a must to ensure a blemish-less survival and credibility with donors and regulators
What Process Do We Handle?
- Book keeping and accounting
- Handling audits
- Compliance with tax laws
- Reporting and filings to regulators
- Maintaining statutory records
- Conducting board / trustee meetings
- Budgeting
- Costing of projects
- Customised reports for donors/CSR companies
- Proposal making / RFP responses
How Do The NGO Partner Benefit?
- Access to timely financial information and analysis
- Availability of expert advice on key financial decisions
- Robust controls on costs and reporting of alerts.
- Timely compliance with filings and responses to queries from regulators
- Strong credentials with donors, including customized financial reporting and proactive communication
Human Resource
Why Is This Function Important?
- Motivated and dedicated employees are key to successful execution of projects.
- Good people practices facilitate creation of a good work culture
- Retaining dedicated and talented employees is critical
- To ensure consistently good quality output
- Create second line and build organisational capability
What Process Do We Handle?
- Hosting HRMS
- Payroll management
- Employee helpdesk
- Assistance in recruiting – drafting job descriptions, candidate evaluation
Statutory filings – PF, ESI - Drafting people policies
How Do The NGO Partner Benefit?
- Streamlined processes ensure positive work environment, consistency and clarity
- Operations become more process- driven and less people-dependent
Knowledge about best practices and trends in the sector become more accessible - Many believe that data secrecy is better protected outside than inside the organization
Digital Marketing
Why Is This Function Important?
- In this age of easy access to information and internet, active digital presence is pre-requisite for any organization
- It is important that information about what you do and what problem you are addressing is made available to those –
Who do not know you - Who know you and are interested in tracking your growth
- Who want to help, donate, volunteer, partner with you
What Process Do We Handle?
- Website design, content writing. hosting
- Website maintenance, content updation, support, managing the Contact Us responses
- Social media – Setting up accounts, posting content, monitoring responses
- Connect – E-mail management, drafting mailers, reporting feedback; donor communication and management
How Do The NGO Partner Benefit?
- Creation and maintenance of website
- Updated content with latest developments, achievements
- Responsive email management
- Dissemination of information to stakeholders – donors, employees, public at large
- Promotion for individual donation
CFO services

With the NGOs growing in size and raising significant funds at regular intervals, financial management has gained prominence. For those NGOs who have their basic book-keeping taken care of but miss the resources at senior levels, we come in to handle the job which ideally a CFO was expected to do.
Role of a CFO has become increasingly critical for these reasons:
- Need for funds and financial management was never more serious.
- Compliance or rather cost of non-compliance is increasing by the day.
- Donors are getting more demanding – asking for better controls, timely reporting, better governance.
- NGO Founders need some one to help with strategic planning, long term survival and bring in more credibility in front of the Donors
We bring in strong credentials and experience in Finance, Financial management, Compliance, Fund raise.
We follow a structured methodology as we work in close co-ordination with your in-house team or service provider
- Gain in-depth understanding of:
- Services
- Operations
- Organisation
- Cost structure
- Funding sources and background
- Close frequent interaction with the Accounting team or Outsourced service vendor
- Involvement in key interactions on future projects, donor discussions, capital investment decisions
Service delivery
- Dedicated Manager level resource – oversight by
the Senior management - Online access to the Accounting system would be
essential. Need based access to other systems / platforms - Service delivery will be virtual (by default) – Need
based visits / meetings can be discussed
- Weekly structured calls with the CEO / COO
- Monthly Management reporting
- Need based reporting to Donors
- Evaluation of key capex, budgeting decisions
- Participation in Board/ advisor meetings (optional)
- Help in Pitch document preparation
- Signing on behalf of partner NGO is not contemplated